Sympozjum Neonatologiczne

Echokardiografia wykonywana przez neonatologa - kurs zgodny z europejskimi zaleceniami NPE (Neonatologist Performed Echocardiography (NPE)) 

This short introductory course is aimed at neonatologists and neonatal trainees / fellows interested in enhancing their understanding in neonatal echocardiography – especially in basic echocardiography views and use of functional echocardiography in clinical practice in NICU. Lectures and mini hands-on sessions will be delivered in line with European NPE guidelines and recommendations.

Date: 28.11.2019 (Thursday) 8.30 - 17.00
Place: Department of Neonatology, Polna 33


  • To provide an introduction to Neonatologist Performed Echocardiography, both theoretically (lectures) and practically (hands-on)
  • To discuss the use of NPE for the assessment and management of several causes of neonatal haemodynamic failure



08.30-08.35        Welcome (Tomasz Szczapa)

08.35-09.00        Physics of Ultrasound and Artefact Recognition (Yogen Singh)

09.00-09.40        Routine Echocardiographic Views (Willem de Boode)

09.40-10.20        Assessment of PDA (Yogen Singh)

10.20-11.00        Assessment of PPHN (Willem de Boode)

11.00-11.30        Coffee Break

11.30-12:10        Assessment of Neonatal Shock (Willem de Boode)

12:10-12.50        Advanced Echocardiographic Technologies (Yogen Singh)

12.35-13.00        Panel Discussion (Faculty)

13.00-13.30        Lunch Break

13.30-15.00        Hands-on Sessions (Faculty)

15.00-15.15        Coffee Break

15.15-16.45        Hands-on Sessions (Faculty)

16.45-17.00        Summary and Close (Tomasz Szczapa)

The course will be conducted in English.

1. Participants of the Symposium:
– 300 PLN /participant
– until September 15, 2019
– 350 PLN /participant – from September 15, 2019

2. Non-participants of the Symposium:
– 450 PLN /participant– until September 15, 2019
– 500 PLN /participant – from September 15, 2019
*Limited places available.

Please make payment to:
Fundacja Rozwoju Neonatologii w Wielkopolsce
33, Polna Street
60-535 Poznań
IBAN: PL41 1160 2202 0000 0000 6089 1331


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