Kurs wprowadzający do echokardiografii wykonywanej przez neonatologa zgodny z europejskimi zaleceniami NPE (Introductory Course to Neonatologist performed Echocardiography (NPE)) – program ramowy
Prof. Yogen Singh (University of Cambridge, UK) – członek europejskiej grupy NPE i współautor rekomendacji
This short introductory course is aimed at neonatologists and neonatal trainees / fellows interested in enhancing their understanding in neonatal echocardiography – especially in basic echocardiography views and use of functional echocardiography in clinical practice in NICU. Lectures and mini hands-on sessions will be delivered in line with European NPE guidelines and recommendations.
Date: 22.11.2018 (Thursday)
13.00-13.45: Basic echocardiography views
13.45-14.30: Use of functional echocardiography in practice in NICU
Coffee break 14.30-15.00
Mini hands-on session in NICU
Sessions 1 (15.00-16.00): Basic echo views (20 minutes demonstration followed by 40 minutes of hands-on practice)
Session 2 (16.00-17.00): Basic functional echocardiography (20 minutes demonstration followed by 40 minutes of hands-on practice)
The course will be conducted in English.
1. Participants of the Symposium:
– 350 PLN /participant– until November 5, 2018
– 400 PLN /participant – from November 5, 2018
2. Non-participants of the Symposium:
– 450 PLN /participant– until November 5, 2018
– 500 PLN /participant – from November 5, 2018
*Limited places available.
Please make payment to:
Fundacja Rozwoju Neonatologii w Wielkopolsce
33, Polna Street
60-535 Poznań
IBAN: PL41 1160 2202 0000 0000 6089 1331